Thursday, August 20, 2009


We realized today that it's been nearly 3 weeks since we last updated our blog. Not too much is new. Nate is still working full-time and is also doing really well in school. Nate's work held their annual Lagoon Day a few weeks ago. We had a great time, but for some reason I only took 2 pictures, neither is super great. The company is doing well and was kind enough to give everyone a summer bonus for which we are very grateful. Thanks TestOut! I'm not up to too much, I'm working on a new sewing project and I stay pretty busy with my church calling, housework and my job. Other than that, Nate and I have just been hanging out being awesome.


Happy Birthday Jake!

Happy Birthday Jake! Nate's youngest sibling turned 9 yesterday. We want to wish him a happy birthday and we hope that 9 is a fabulous year for him!


Monday, August 3, 2009


So I almost set our apartment on fire again. Yes, that's right again. A week and a half ago I turned on the wrong burner on the stove and then today I had a lamp malfunction. Seriously, what is wrong with me? Just to be on the safe side, I don't think anyone should invite me over to their house anytime soon.

P.S. I have gotten so much laundry and so much cleaning done today. Apart from a near fire, I've been really productive.