Monday, May 25, 2015

Date Night

As is usual, Saturday night was date night for us. This week we doubled with the Robbins. We went up to Draper for some Mongolian barbecue. It was good. We had a fun time and got totally stuffed. After dinner we ended the night with our favorite game, hand and foot. Nate and I were the big winners woot woo!

Don't forget to check out our adoption profile at, and feel free to pass it along!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Early Morning

So I've been up since 2:30 this morning, almost 3 hours now. I scrapbooked for a bit, looked at some of my favorite recipe blogs, made and ate a snack, and caught up on the overloaded DVR a bit. Now I'm blogging. I've been trying to do really quiet activities so I don't wake up Nate. He never gets to sleep in. We had date night last night which is always fun. We started out picking out some new glasses for Nate. He had his eye exam yesterday and he got two really good looking frames. They should be ready in about a week and a half and I'll have to post pictures, he loks really good in them. Next we ran some errands. I've got to make some little favor bags for our Relief Society activity Tuesday so I had to pick up some supplies. I think they're going to turn out really cute. Nate and I also went to Hobby Lobby to look for some frames for a gallery wall I want to do at the top of our stairs. We didn't spend long there because my blood sugar was getting super low and I was feeling really sick, gotta love being diabetic. It was my week to choose where we went for dinner and my only prerequisite was that it was some place with chips and salsa, so we had Mexican food. As is usual, Nate was craving a baked good for dessert, so we went to Kneaders looking for a treat but they didn't have anything that appealed to Nate. We ended up at the grocery store and Nate got some donuts so he was happy. It was a fun and pretty productive night out. Nate has plans to hike this morning as long as the weather is good and I've got plenty to do around the house today and one more errand to run. I'm thinking I better plan for a little nap today too!

Don't forget to check out our adoption profile at, and feel free to pass it along!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mothers' Day

For Mothers' Day weekend I went up to Idaho with my sister to see my mom and grandma. My mom knew we were coming, but we totally surprised my grandma. Kelley (my sister) and I spent the night Saturday and so we got lots of time with them. It was fun to see them and spend time catching up. Kelley totally wins daughter of the year though, she got my mom Shania Twain tickets for her Mothers' Day gift. Yah, my gift totally paled in comparison. My mom is super excited to go to the concert with Kelley in August. They should have a blast. We made it home safely on Sunday afternoon and I got to spend some time with Nate. That evening we went to Nate's parents' house for his missionary brother's phone call. It was good to see Elder Smith and he sounds like he's having an amazing time. I can't believe we'll see him in six months!

So I only took one photo all weekend. Here's my cute mom and my little sister.

Don't forget to check out our adoption profile at, and feel free to pass it along!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Date Night/Update

This past weekend was Nate's turn to choose where we went for date night. He chose Mexican food, his favorite. We took a couple phone pics at the restaurant, notice the lady in the background of my pic totally staring right at the camera. Dinner was fun, then we went to Deseret Book and I got a new set of scriptures that I'd been wanting. Ever since implementing my new scripture study protocol, I've been wanting a new set. But let me tell you, the first time I opened and read from the new set it was a little daunting, there were no markings! I'm so used to seeing the highlighting and the notes in my old set of scriptures. It was good to start marking up the new set, makes them feel more like they're mine.
Also this last weekend, we had Nate's two youngest siblings stay with us while his parents were out of town. It was fun to have them over and spoil them. We welcomed a new nephew a few days ago too, and he's adorable. Things are going well for us, we're still hoping to adopt, so check out our profile at

Don't forget to check out our adoption profile at, and feel free to pass it along!