Thursday, January 29, 2009

Favorite Things

It's been a while since we posted and so I decided to do a nice dedicatory post. Maybe this will be a recurring theme, and maybe it will be called Friday Favorites (yes, I do know that today is Thursday, the Friday thing will be for the future posts). This week I've decided that one of my favorite things is Clorox wipes (or Lysol wipes, whichever I have on hand). I can't live without them. Between my job and my slight germaphobia I cannot be without disinfectant. I use Clorox wipes daily, I use them on everything from shoes to countertops to doorknobs. The list goes on and on. Thank you Clorox for your fine efforts in this wonderful product, and for the extra peace of mind they bring with all their germ killing powers. Well done.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another Reason To Get Married

I officially have the best husband in the world. He just surprised me Rascal Flatts tickets. My birthday is February 28 and the concert is the 26th. Thank you Nathan! No more trying to win tickets on the radio. I am pretty sure that I actually screamed when I opened the gift. And, another bonus, I didn't even have to wait to open them, I hate surprises and waiting to open presents. Best birthday ever, coming right up. Thanks Nate, I love you!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Our Year So Far

Where have we been? The new year has been busy so far. Well, I started out the year with a horrible cold and so hopefully that's out of my system for a while. Nate has been busy with work and school and just being handsome. I have started a new hobby. I received Photoshop for Christmas and have not been able to put it down! I really have enjoyed learning digital scrapbooking and have been busy creating pages. Hopefully I can still remember to post occasionally on the blog, but in the mean time, here are some of my digital creations...