Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Grandpa Olson

My sweet grandpa passed away Monday afternoon. He had been sick for a while and we knew he didn't have much longer here on earth. My grandma and all three of their kids were by his side when he passed. I have so many fond memories of my grandpa. He was such a nice man. I know he will be greatly missed. Love you Grandpa!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Senior Pictures

I can't believe we are halfway through April already! Are you taxes done? Our refund is disappointing this year, but at least we're getting some money back. We've just been busy with day to day life. Nothing too exciting going on with us. We're still working on our adoption paperwork and classes. That is going well. We're just waiting for a duplicate birth certificate to come in for me from California. Hopefully it comes quickly. Last weekend I took some senior pictures for Nate's cute cousin Becca. I was so nervous! I always get anxiety taking pictures for people, I just want them to turn out well! Here are some of my favorites.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Date Night

We usually have date night on Saturdays but since General Conference is this weekend we bumped it up a day. We had Mexican food for dinner and on our way in to the restaurant we ran into Nate's cute Aunt Lori and Uncle John. So fun! We took some iPhone pics during dinner and discussed some serious life topics. There is a lot on our minds right now. So if you're the praying type, pray that we make good and right decisions during the next little bit. I love going on date night with Nate, we always have a good time. It's probably the good company. :) After dinner we hit up Walmart and that was a disaster and a half. Talk about lines! They seriously only had four check stands open and of course it was packed on the night before General Conference. We were there forever and we weren't even able to get everything on our list. Next we hit up Macey's for the last few items on our list and talk about a night and day difference. We walked right up to an open check stand and we were on our way in no time. I thought they would be swamped with people too, but it wasn't bad at all. Crazy. Anyway, that was our date night, pretty uneventful, but we still had a good time.