Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So I have dabbled in the world of couponing before. I never truly understood it and I never really seemed to reap the benefits. I have now come to know that I was going about it all wrong! Nate has a super cute cousin, Alisha, that was so sweet and took the time to go over the whole process with me. Today was my first shopping trip taking advantage of price matching and coupon doubling at Walmart. I have to say, one trip and I am hooked! I love my coupon binder and I can't wait until my next set of newspapers come!

Here is part of my shopping trip today:

Haribo Gummy Bears - $0.37 each
Frosted Flakes - $0.25 box
Kool Aid 5 Packs - free
Comet - $0.97 each
5 Gum - $0.78 each
Cookie Crisps - $0.48 box
Lunchables - $1.29 each
Candles - free

Total before price matching and coupons - $39.02
Total out of pocket - $9.84
Total savings - $29.18 or 74%

I was pretty pleased with myself. I spent less than $10 for everything and it would have cost me more than that to just buy 3 boxes of the cereal at full price! Here are some pictures of my binder. I love it. It makes the system manageable for me. I was able to organize it just the way I wanted it and I am really enjoying the process.

Needless to say, I am totally hooked on couponing now! Thanks again Alisha!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mustache May and Baby Jack

Oh man, so glad this is over! Nate's work is participating in mustache May. During the month they all grow out a full beard and then this week they all had to trim everything but their mustache. There is some sort of prize for the person with the craziest mustache. Since Nate is working from home the later part of the week he is already back to being clean shaven. Yay for me! Here is what he looked like a few days ago.

This last week we welcomed another new addition, cute baby Jack! Congratulations to Brandon and Julianna! I think he is so cute, he is just so little and he's darling with his curly strawberry blonde hair. Welcome to our family Jack!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mother's Day, a New Addition, and a Baby Shower

It's been an exciting week for us! Sunday was Mother's Day and we were able to visit both of our moms. I made them each a personalized recipe binder with some of our favorite recipes and some family favorites.

On Tuesday we welcomed a brand new niece into the family. Lacey Nichole was born Tuesday evening. We got to see her on Wednesday and she is darling! She has lots of dark hair just like her older brother did when he was born. I can't believe how small she is! Congratulations Benji and Amanda.
We will also be having another nephew added to the family any day now. This morning I went to a shower for my other sister-in-law. Please forgive my photography, I can't seem to stop throwing up, so I just took pictures from my seat on the couch. Julianna got lots of cute things for baby Jack.

Monday, May 2, 2011

May Already

I know, I know, I've been slacking big time with the whole blogging thing. Life has been crazy the last month.
First things first, we moved! We've been in our new place for just over two weeks, and we are pretty settled. A few miscellaneous boxes to unpack and I need to get decorating. Nate's office needs to finish being set up, but other than that we are pretty much finished. Thanks again to all those who helped us with the move. Nate will be working from home 3 days a week and we are excited about that. Nate has a list of things he wants to adorn his office with, including a mini fridge. We'll see about that!
We had a pretty good Easter. I was really sick that day but we exchanged baskets and treats for the first time since we've been married. I even did an egg hunt for Nathan. We made a big traditional dinner of smoked brisket, asparagus, potatoes, rolls, etc. This was the most we have ever done for Easter and I think we will continue to go all out.
I finally decided what do for Mother's Day. For some reason I feel like I have to be super creative and make my gifts for Mother's Day. I've been procrastinating since I haven't felt very good lately, so I have a lot of work to do this week! My mom doesn't read my blog, but my mother-in-law does on occasion, so I can't say what my idea is, but call me if you want to use my idea. It will be easy to reproduce.
Yesterday we had a big birthday dinner for everyone on Nate's side of the family who is having a May birthday. We will be adding a new niece and a new nephew this month too! I'm getting excited to meet Lacey and Jack and finally see what they look like!

That is pretty much the happenings for us. I feel like between moving, unpacking, and doctors appointments I haven't been very much fun. I usually have at least one doctor's visit a week, and I am so sick of it all! Sorry to complain, but I just feel really down lately. My heart isn't doing better despite the weekly increase of my medicine dosage. The medication has two major side effects as well. One is that is makes my diabetes harder to control, so I've had to start an additional medication to help with my diabetes. I just had my A1C done for the first time since my diagnosis and it was 6.5. It is a simple blood test that sees how well my average blood sugars have been. Under 7 is acceptable, but my doctor would love to see mine under 6. So my score of 6.5 is not horrible, but I definitely have room for improvement. The test is done every 3 months, next time I want to be under 6.2. The second major side effect of my heart medicine is exhaustion. Never in my life have I been as tired as I've been this last week. Last Monday my electrophysiologist went all out and doubled my dosage and I have been exhausted 24/7. I wish I could describe how tired I've been, it is almost like an out of body experience. Every day feels like this incredible struggle just to make it through the day. I feel like such a slacker, I've been really bad about returning phone calls and emails (sorry Alisha! sorry Jennifer!) and I want to cry knowing I still have to make dinner tonight. I just feel like I am living in this alternate universe and I just want my life back. Feeling down about all of this stuff and really down about our infertility struggles this past week. Sorry, I am just not in a very good place emotionally right now and I just needed to vent.

Our Easter meal.

Super Nate found all the Easter eggs.

Last night's birthday dinner.

This photo is also from last night, two of my favorite guys!

Not sure if they are tired of jumping, or tired of me taking pictures :).