Monday, March 31, 2014

Moving and Meetings

Oh goodness, Nate should have been a mover! He's helped four people in the past two months move. Everyone is moving! We moved my brother Josh on Saturday and it wasn't too bad, he doesn't have too much stuff. We were able to take it all in just one trip between two trucks and a car. The four of us (Nate, me, my mom and Josh) were able to load up all his stuff in just over an hour. Did I mention he hadn't packed a thing? That's right, nothing! Oh well, we made it work. After moving and unloading Josh was nice and bought us all lunch. He was very appreciative for our help.

Later Saturday evening I went to the General Women's Meeting. I was invited to go with Katie, Steph, and Amelia, but I wasn't sure what time we'd be done with moving and they were going to dinner early before the meeting. It was a good meeting, the common theme seemed to be about covenants. Making and keeping covenants. I went early to get a soft seat and my cute visiting teacher ended up sitting next to me so I was happy to sit with someone I knew. All in all a really good meeting. We're looking forward to General Conference this coming weekend.

While I was at the women's meeting, Nate played racquetball with his dad. We ended up getting home at the exact same time and then since it was still light we went over to the in-laws' so Nate could shoot his bow. After that we went to the store and finally, after all was said and done we had dinner about 10 pm. A busy day, but a really good day.

My cute mom. Notice her truck twin in the background.

Even the cab of our truck was filled to the brim!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Our Weekend

We had a good weekend. Friday night was date night. We had date night in this week. We got some pizza and watched tv. It felt nice to just relax and not have to go anywhere. We had intentions to watch Frozen finally, but didn't get around to it. Everyone says it's such a great movie, but we still have yet to see it. Saturday morning Nate went hiking with his friend in the morning and that evening we had dinner and game night with the Robbins. Since both Nate and Mike love General Tao's chicken we made that for dinner and then of course we played hand and foot for game night. Sunday after church we headed up to my mom's house. It's nice that we both have the 9-12 noon block for days like this when we surprise my mom and come over. We had a late lunch and talked and Nate had a little nap on the couch. All in all a typical weekend for us, a good weekend though.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Blogging How-To

So today I had a realization. People could be pinning things from my personal blog onto Pinterest. Scary! So I'm normal, I use Pinterest and think it's pretty great. However I don't see any reason that people would need to pin things from my personal blog. So I did a little research on how to block my photos from being pinned and thought I'd share it with you. I had previously blocked the ability for people to click and save photos from my blog but I needed to block the ability to pin. I just don't want my personal images shared. I found a great tutorial that is so simple too. It teaches you how to block individual photos and how to do a blanket blockage where no images can be pinned. I chose the second option. Here is the link: Hope this helps!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Catch Up

So we've been busy lately! This week for example we've had at least one thing every single night! Tonight we babysat Jack and Henry and had a blast like usual. I can't believe how active Henry is getting, he'll be crawling in no time. Nate built Jack a fort and Jack thought it was pretty darn cool. His favorite part was jumping from the ottoman onto the tent into Nate's waiting arms and then asking Nate to rebuild the fort. Silly kid. I hope he always thinks we're as cool as he does now.

Earlier in the week we met with our adoption case worker and got a big ol' stack of paperwork to work on. We've made a big dent in it since Wednesday and on our online portion too. We're so happy to be moving forward and to be making actual progress one sheet of paper at a time. Thursday night we had another adoption class and this class was titled "What to Expect When You're Adopting." Another class we're happy we attended. It was a basic question and answer forum with two couples who had adopted before with LDS Family Services. I always get a lot out of our classes.

Nate's been busy with his scouts calling. Though they didn't have any boys show up to scouts this week. He's also been busy with target practice (shooting his bow). He practices almost every day after work. Nate's going to the sportsman's expo tomorrow to attend an elk hunting class. He's really looking forward to it.

I'm going to Idaho tomorrow with my mom and aunt to visit my grandparents. They go every weekend and I try to go with them once a month. It's always good to see my grandparents and we get a lot of work done for them while we're there.

Nate and I are planning on Mexican food for date night tomorrow. It's Nate's turn to choose and I can count on him almost always choosing Mexican food. It'll be a good date no matter what we do.

I think that catches us up for the last week or so. We've got another busy week ahead of us and it'll be summer before we know it!