Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Slight Change of Plans

Oh man, I swear my head is going to explode. I have no brain power left. Nate and I have been on such a roller coaster since Valentine's Day. Right around then is when we first had the Blackberry job come into our lives. Nathan wasn't even looking for a new job, they contacted us. After weeks of interviews, phone calls, prayers and the like, we really felt like Texas was the right step for us. Earlier this week Nathan turned in his notice to his current employer. Nate is an awesome employee, they asked Nate if they could give him a counter offer to tempt him to stay. Nate said yes, but that we really felt like we were supposed to go to Texas. They countered, and we turned it down. For weeks we had been praying and felt like it was meant for us to go to Texas. Nate's current employer came back with another counter offer. We were totally surprised. This offer was amazing. So with more thought and prayer (I am pretty sure I've been praying non-stop since February) we suddenly started to feel very positive about staying in Utah. I haven't slept in two nights because I feel like it is such a huge decision, one of the biggest decisions we've ever had to make. We came to a consensus, we are staying in Utah! We are still going to move into a new place close to Nate's work, but it will not be 1200 miles away! I know our families are excited to keep us close. I feel like a huge weight is lifted and I am really excited for this new chapter. But please, no more big decisions right now! I've had all I can handle for a while.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big News Y'all!

Nate and I are moving to Texas!!! Nate has accepted a position with RIM, which is the company that makes Blackberry. We are moving to Irving, Texas, which is right by Dallas. We are moving in two weeks and we are really excited!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Heart Update

I had my appointment with the electrophysiologist this morning. He confirmed what the previous doctor had said. Surgery is an option, but it's not ideal for my exact situation. With the surgery I run the risk of needing a pacemaker. Not exactly great news. Surgery may be required down the road, but for now they are going to try and control everything with medication. My new medication will most likely make me very very tired for a week or two, but once my body is used to it the tiredness will go away. The medicine also makes diabetes a little harder to control, so I am going to have to be really careful there too. I see him again in two weeks and we will see how things are going.
That's the news for now. I am so glad we are just a few hours away from the weekend! I can't wait to see my husband!

Oh my gosh! Look what I found! Further proof I really need an iphone! See Nate, I could even work from my phone!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

10 Years

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of my dad's death. It's weird, it seems like it was so so long ago, but I remember so many things about that day. He died just 3 weeks after I turned 15. I don't think I've ever mentioned my dad on this blog before. I didn't agree with a lot of his choices or actions, but he is still my dad. Here's his picture. Sorry about the quality, it's a picture of a picture. I don't have it hanging up, but I do have it saved. I think it's the only one I have. I'm not super sad, it's been a lot of years and I think I'm just used to it. What does make me a little sad is the fact that he never met Nate, that he wasn't there at my high school graduation or my wedding or other big moments. I am a little sad that my kids will never know one of their grandpas. Anyway, I just thought I would mention this day.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Our Weekend

Friday I had my heart appointment. We went over my test results. The ultrasound of my heart looked great, which means there are no structural defects. Good news! The results of my halter monitor were not good. My heart beats way way too fast, even when I am sleeping. My doctor compared it to someone who is always running. My heart beats so fast that it is just working too hard, leaving me exhausted all the time. There are times when the actual beats of my heart are incorrect as well. This leads my doctor to believe that the electrical currents of my heart are misfiring. So I am off to see a doctor who specializes in heart electrical activity on Friday morning. He will be able to tell what exactly is going on with the currents and to determine if I need surgery. It would be a simple surgery and would fix the problem permanently. In the mean time I have started a medication to slow my heart beat. This should help me not feel so exhausted and out of breath all the time. It is nice to know what is going on, and I will have the rest of the picture when I see this next doctor on Friday.

Friday evening Nate and I went his cousin Brittany's wedding reception. Everything looked amazing. Here is a picture of the happy bride and groom.

Early Saturday morning we took both of our cars in to get oil changes. Unfortunately my car had a couple issues. We had spent $500 by 10 am! Gotta love days like that. Oh well, I can't really complain, we have had relatively few issues with our cars. Now I just need to vacuum out my car and wash it, and it'll be perfect!

I think that is everything. This weekend flew by way too fast. I can't wait until Friday night!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kim the Chicken

As many of you know, I am lucky enough to not have to work. I am blessed to be a full-time housewife. That being said, I spend a lot of my time at home. Today is one of those days. I've spent my day working on a guest book for an upcoming cousin's wedding, then I dusted and vacuumed, continued a bit of spring cleaning, and working my way through the laundry. Anyway, I just showered. So while I'm in the shower I hear this tapping every so often. It seriously sounds like someone is standing on the other side of the curtain tapping their foot waiting for me. So freaky! I start looking around for some sort of weapon so I can defend myself against this attacker who I am sure is lurking in my bathroom. My options are crappy, loofah, shampoo, face wash, definitely not lethal. Lame. Even my razor won't work. It is one of those intuition razors that are surrounded by that soap stuff. I decide my only option is to take the metal shower caddy and hope that I can swing it hard enough to knock this guy out. Then I start having one of my heart episodes and I start to feel tired and weak. Great, now I totally don't stand a chance. I am about to get murdered and this guy is going to wrap my body in the shower curtain liner and leave no forensic evidence. Finally I don't feel like I can stand up much longer so I rip back the shower curtain one is there. All that freaking out for nothing. All that standing around looking for weapons and wasting hot water for nothing. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I wasn't murdered, but I totally feel like I wasted like 10 good minutes of worrying. After I got dressed and ready I went out to the living room and noticed that the front door is unlocked! I never, ever leave the door unlocked. Now I think there really might have been a murderer in my bathroom!

Anyway, that's the story of how I ended up taking a ridiculously long shower today. I am open to a self-defense class if anyone wants to come with me!

Monday, March 7, 2011


It is pouring outside, I LOVE the rain. I would so much rather have rain than snow. However, today may not have been the day to wear sandals. I got a pedicure for my birthday last Monday and I just couldn't resist wearing sandals.
So my mom sent me a text this morning and I called her back because I needed to talk to her. First thing she says is, "Did you get my text?" Yes mom, that is why I called you :). Then she says, "Did you see my cute signature at the bottom? I just figured out how to do add that to my texts!" Oh DeeAnn, you are such a funny mom sometimes. She was seriously so excited. If you don't know my mom she is not exactly a techy. Nate taught her how to text a few years ago, how to add attachments to her emails, basic stuff like that. Welcome to the technology era Mom, glad you are enjoying it!
Okay, this didn't happen today, it was yesterday, and oh my gosh I laughed so hard. So we were over at my in-laws yesterday for Sunday dinner. It was nice, all the kids were able to make it. I was making dinner and one of my brothers-in-law was talking to me and asked, "Kim is diabetes contagious?" I wiped my hand on his arm and said, "Yep!" Oh my gosh it was hysterical! Amanda and I were near tears we were laughing so hard! And no, I am not going to tell you which of my 6 brothers-in-law said that. Oh man, still so funny to me!

Finally, the moment you have all been waiting for :). I like to pretend you all hang on my every word. I had my cardiologist appointment earlier this afternoon. Here's what I found out. There is definitely a problem and it is something that has to be fixed. What exactly is causing it still has to be determined. I am currently wearing a heart monitor and will for the next 24-48 hours. They want an extended look at my heart rhythm and rate and really want to capture one of my "episodes." I have not had any episodes today, but I had two yesterday and three the day before that. This might sound weird, but I am praying to have an episode. They need to see what is going on with my heart during these episodes, so hopefully I have one or two today or tomorrow. I also had some blood work done at my appointment. On Thursday I am going to have an ultrasound of my heart. After these tests are done and the results are in I see my doctor again. Most likely the issue will be corrected with some medicine or I will have a minor surgery. That's what I know for now! So pray or keep your fingers crossed I have an episode, thanks!

Now let's get back to my mom. She is awesome. She also happens to be super fun and SINGLE! My mom is really smart and likes to be active. She enjoys watching football and her celebrity crush is Mark Harmon from NCIS. If you know a good man send me an email at
This is my mom and her favorite daughter, me!
P.S. Do you think she'll try and ground me for posting this? :)