Monday, March 21, 2011

Our Weekend

Friday I had my heart appointment. We went over my test results. The ultrasound of my heart looked great, which means there are no structural defects. Good news! The results of my halter monitor were not good. My heart beats way way too fast, even when I am sleeping. My doctor compared it to someone who is always running. My heart beats so fast that it is just working too hard, leaving me exhausted all the time. There are times when the actual beats of my heart are incorrect as well. This leads my doctor to believe that the electrical currents of my heart are misfiring. So I am off to see a doctor who specializes in heart electrical activity on Friday morning. He will be able to tell what exactly is going on with the currents and to determine if I need surgery. It would be a simple surgery and would fix the problem permanently. In the mean time I have started a medication to slow my heart beat. This should help me not feel so exhausted and out of breath all the time. It is nice to know what is going on, and I will have the rest of the picture when I see this next doctor on Friday.

Friday evening Nate and I went his cousin Brittany's wedding reception. Everything looked amazing. Here is a picture of the happy bride and groom.

Early Saturday morning we took both of our cars in to get oil changes. Unfortunately my car had a couple issues. We had spent $500 by 10 am! Gotta love days like that. Oh well, I can't really complain, we have had relatively few issues with our cars. Now I just need to vacuum out my car and wash it, and it'll be perfect!

I think that is everything. This weekend flew by way too fast. I can't wait until Friday night!

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