On my computer I have a folder labeled Craft Ideas. Every time I come across a cute idea that I want to try I save it in there. Lately it just keeps getting fuller and fuller and yet I haven't made anything. Here are a few of my favorite ideas.

These are interchangeable flip flop straps! How cute are these?! You can change out the straps. The giraffe print is my most favorite. You can find the tutorial at Make It and Love It.
She has even adapted them for little girl flip flops, so darling.
This is called a floating frame. It is ribbon, photos, and vinyl in between two glass panels and then the whole thing is framed. I love it. I think I am going to do a brown version to match my wedding invitation. Good thing I know someone who does vinyl (Katie, I'll be ordering some soon)! You can find the tutorial here at U Create.

How thoughtful is this? I try and leave notes for Nathan every so often. Usually it ends up on a scrap of paper or a post-it. I love the idea of a sentimental IOU. You can find the printable version at Oh Brooke.

If you're like me, you already have a recipe binder. Mine is full to overflowing! I need to upgrade to a bigger binder. When I do that, I am also going to make it a little cuter, like this binder here. The tutorial is at Brown Paper Packages. While you are there, browse through their site, they have a ton of great ideas.

Speaking of Brown Paper Packages, here is another idea of theirs that I want to make. It is called a family values canvas. I love that you can totally personalize to fit your family. From the values you choose to the fonts to the papers and colors, you can totally customize it. Find the instructions at Brown Paper Packages.

There you have it! I've got a million things to make. I might need to have a Super Saturday craft day. Let me know if you're interested.