One of the highlights of the night was watching people play Fruit Ninja on the xbox kinect. Look at those arms move! Notice how I did not include any pictures of myself playing.

Nate and I had a good Christmas. We've always celebrated Christmas morning with just the two of us, and we really like that tradition. It's nice to enjoy the company of one another and dream of future Christmases with our children. We enjoyed opening gifts, church, video chatting with Nate's parents in Oregon, a good nap, and a prime rib dinner with Nate's siblings. Hope you all had a great Christmas too.

Christmas Eve we spent with my mom, brother, and sister. We went and saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie and had a big dinner, Korean barbecue beef kabobs- per my mom's request, so good! Of course my mom got us all our traditional Christmas Eve pajamas.