Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day! First of all a big thank you to all our service men and women. We so appreciate you! Nate and I have had a busy weekend of fun. We fished early Saturday morning and then had a fun date that evening. Sunday, we grilled with Nate's family. Nate made grilled Korean barbecue chicken, so good! We fished again early this morning too. Both Nate's brother and brother came too. Of course we grilled hamburgers today, I think that's a Memorial Day requirement. Nate and I ended the day with a trip to Cabela's. All in all it was a busy but very fun weekend. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to sleeping in past 5 am tomorrow!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Visit From the Smith Family
Nate's parents and youngest siblings came down from Oregon to visit. The reason for the visit was because Stephanie finished her culinary program. Nice work Steph! We also celebrated Jack's first birthday! We all got together for some family dinners and some fun. Amanda built this awesome volleyball net out of swimming noodles and we played boys vs. girls. I'm proud to say girls won! Amelia was definitely our all star. Of course Jake and Amelia had their usual sleepover at our house. I made German pancakes for the first time in the morning for them. One night we all went bowling, and I think Keith had more fun than anyone! He was the best little bowler! Julianna threw a first birthday bash for Jack and of course he was so cute! Ben and Katie weren't able to stay too long this trip, but we look forward to seeing them again in August. Thanks for the visit Smith family!
Kelley's Graduation
Way to go Kelley! My little sister Kelley graduated summa cum laude from the University of Utah earlier this month. She was accepted to both Yale and Vanderbilt. Kelley is going to attend Vanderbilt University's nurse practitioner program this fall. We are all seriously so proud. Way to go Kelley!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Best Weekend Ever!
It's official. I love camping! I had the best time this weekend. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun. Everything turned out great and I can't wait to go again. In fact, we are going again in three weeks, the campsite is already reserved!
We went camping up American Fork Canyon at Granite Flats. We are lucky enough to have some amazing friends in Ricky and Suzie who are pretty much the best campers you'll ever meet. They recommended going to this site for my first camping experience, and it was such a gorgeous spot. Ricky and Nate went up a night early to set up our tents and reserve our spot since it was too early in the season to reserve them online. Nate and I went up the next afternoon to get the party started! I get there and I see the worlds dinkiest tent. We had borrowed one from my mom and Nate told me it was a little on the small size but that it would still work. Um no, there was no way it was going to work. I already had a little anxiety about going camping, and this just about sent me right over the edge. So once Nate and I had unloaded the car we turned right around and went to buy a new tent. We found a great deal on one at Costco and also found some sweet chairs with detachable foot rests. Now I was ready to camp. So we went back up the canyon and set up our new tent and made ourselves at home. There was tons of wildlife and I managed to take 466 pictures during our two night stay. When dinner time got closer, Nate was able to build a fire. That boy sure loves to make camp fires, correction, bon fires. The bigger the better. Ricky and Suzie joined us that evening and we ate some tin foil dinners and made some dessert calzones. Who says you can't camp in style? The next day was so fun. We started out with an amazing mountain man dutch oven breakfast that Ricky made. We played cards, went for a mini hike, and then drove to the lake. In addition to being professional campers, Ricky and Suzie are great fishermen. Ricky taught Nate to fish while Suzie and I talked and took pictures. Then Nate caught a fish! His very first fish! I can't even tell you how proud and happy I was! Ricky had already caught one and I was secretly praying that Nate would catch one too, and he did! It was a decent sized fish too. I was able to get some great pictures too. I've never seen Nate smile so big. He was on cloud nine the whole trip, but I think this was his favorite part. We fished for a little longer without any more success. Oh, the lake was so serene though. It was so gorgeous I could've stayed all day. We had another great dutch oven dinner, pizza, that night and made s'mores and talked by the fire for hours. I don't remember who, but some one got us started telling embarrassing stories about ourselves. Poor Ricky and Suzie, they got to know us pretty well, maybe a little too well, hopefully they still want to be our friends! Goodness. Before heading home, the boys got up early to go fishing again. Nate caught two more fish! He's on a roll! I was really sad that we had to go home that morning. I was having so much fun, it was really hard to leave. I am pretty proud of myself, I survived two nights in the woods, in bear and moose country, I survived the vaults, and I conquered a fear. I learned that I love camping, outdoor cooking, and I learned that Nate and I are so blessed to have friends like Ricky and Suzie. Is it lame that I want our future kids to marry their future kids? Imagine how dang fun those family get-togethers would be! Thanks again you guys for the best weekend ever!
Oh goodness, I did not know squirrels could be so loud! No need for an alarm clock with those guys around. I took tons of pictures of that squirrel, eventually he got tired of the paparazzi and turned and started chattering at me so I had to leave. See that rabbit? He was around all weekend. There were two rabbits that were chasing each other all day, seriously, every 20-30 minutes they'd run right through our campsite. I made the mistake of asking out loud if they were husband and wife rabbits, every body laughed and laughed. I also think those ducks could be husband and wife ducks.

Thursday, May 10, 2012
I Caved
That's right, the rumors are true. Nate and I are going camping tomorrow. After 5 years I finally gave in. I agreed to go last year and we had the tent and everything, things just never seemed to work out. Tomorrow is a definite. In fact Nate and Ricky are currently setting up the tents at our campsite, which we picked out last night. The boys were worried our spot would be taken that they are setting up the tents a night early. I have to admit, the site is really gorgeous. It has a little boardwalk which leads you into the campsite, a nice clearing for tents, plenty of trees around for privacy. There was even a rabbit just chillin' on the side of the boardwalk. It was kinda awesome to see one up close. I wish I had had my camera! It's on the packing list for sure. That's right, I've got a list so I don't forget vital things like hand sanitizer, bug spray, sunscreen, and clorox wipes. You know, the essentials. I've been to the store twice today, we have enough food for a week, and my husband is so excited you'd think it was Christmas Eve. It's honestly so cute to me, seeing how excited he is. I'd do anything to see that big grin on his face. And I'm proving that by going camping! In all seriousness, and don't tell Nate this, I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow, I think I just may have a really good time.
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