Monday, May 11, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

I feel like Nate and I have been so busy lately. Between work, school, new church callings and family events there has been very little down time for the two of us. Oh well, it sure makes the time go by quickly. Here is a little glimpse as to what we've been up to lately.

I've been trying to become a better baker. Thank goodness that Nate is willing to be my taste tester. I'm not super creative when it comes to thinking up new ideas, but I do like to try and recreate things that others have done.

Above are some Oreo Truffles

Above are some chocolate dipped marshmallows (these were actually my own idea)

Above is a "Family Treet." I made this for my mother-in-law for Mother's Day. The trunk is made from brownie, and the leaves are cupcakes. I got this idea from the Wilton website. It called for fondant for the trunk, but I am so not an expert baker, so I improvised with brownies. Honestly, I am pretty impressed with myself that I was able to recreate the idea. Hopefully I get better with practice (especially with my piping, please don't notice the poor job on the lettering). Thanks again to Nate's family for being test subjects.

Our sweet little nephew Keith Benjamin Smith was blessed Sunday, May 3 and this is the blessing invitation and birth announcement that I made for him:

Congratulations Benji and Amanda!


Elizabeth said...

You're such a good baker already....I don't think you REALLY need to try to be better, but it is fun being your neighbor and eating your treats too! ;) That's such a cute Mother's Day gift idea! Great work!

Alisha said...

What a cute Mother's Day gift! I bet Katie loved it!