In other news. I scrubbed toilets and bathroom floors today. That doesn't sound nearly as momentous as being excepted to Yale on Leap Day. But when all is said and done, I love being a wife. I was married by this time when I was Kelley's age. Our lives have taken different paths, but I don't regret my choice to marry young at all. I love being married to Nate and all that it entails. Sure there is a tiny part of me that is jealous of Kelley, but I think that's only natural. I wouldn't trade her places. See, since I turned 26 yesterday, I am suddenly full of wisdom!
P.S. Thanks for all the birthday texts, phone calls and facebook messages yesterday. I so appreciate everyone's thoughtfulness. I sure felt loved!

Why yes, I am the oldest and the shortest sibling. Thanks for asking. Kelley was 16 in this photo, and she's always been adorable.
Hey Kim! Long time! I found your blog from Whitney Hawkins blog. It sounds like you are loving life despite it's challenges ; )
Happy belated birthday, Kim! I love your post...being a wifey is a great thing, and I'm glad you're enjoying it! Love you!
Wow! how exciting for her! :) Happy birthday by the way- I hope it was wonderful!
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