Thursday, March 26, 2015

Scripture Journal

Okay, so I've debated about whether or not to post this. But I keep thinking about it which is sometimes how the Spirit works with me, so I've decided to just go ahead and do it. This is about a little project I've been working on. I hope this doesn't come across as self aggrandizing, I don't want it to, but I just feel like I should share. So if this post isn't up your alley, just scroll on past it.
At church on Sunday we had a really good Sunday school lesson in our gospel doctrine class. The teacher was super prepared and had a power point presentation and everything. We also had a good discussion going in the class about studying the scriptures, really using them to help answer personal questions and gain greater knowledge. A brother in our ward brought up the point that study and search were both action words, that they implied more than just passively reading. That really hit me hard. I am great at reading my scriptures everyday but I think that I'm missing the point to an extent. Am I just simply reading or am I actively studying? So with the intent to do better I've been looking for resources to help me better study my scriptures. I came across three awesome websites that both had the idea of a scripture journal. This is separate from a personal journal, the point with the scripture journal is to take notes and write down thoughts and impressions that come while really studying. This was totally what I needed! So I ventured out and bought a cute three ring binder and paper and got to work. I combined ideas from the both the websites and I feel like this is going to make a huge difference in my scripture studying. I took a few pictures to help you get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

Here are the links to three websites that I really like. I took ideas from all and put together something that will work for me.

The Red Headed Hostess (you know how I love a red head!)
'Tis Eventide
Allison Kimball (she's an amazing artist too)

So this is all the stuff I now get out when I read my scriptures - my scriptures of course, pens/colored pencils/hiliters for marking in my scriptures and writing in the journal, and the journal itself. Nate was on speakerphone with me when I took the pic so that's why my phone is in the shot. :)

Basically I took the list of topics from The Red Headed Hostess and I typed them up in fun fonts and glued them onto the tops of pages in the journal. I added three topics to my journal, I added Mary, infertility, and happiness. All three apply to my life and are things I want to get more information about from my scripture study. I added an extra sheet of paper per topic so that I've got plenty of room to write.

Today I focused on the topic of scripture study for my reading.

Like I said, I just feel like I should share this, not sure why. Hopefully posting it helps me to maintain my new scripture journal and really use it and love. Check out the links I posted, I found the super helpful and inspiring.

UPDATE 03/31/15
Still loving the scripture journal. I've since added some section divider tabs so the topics can be found a little more easily and I bought some fun pens to use just for the journal. I also bought a second three ring binder. This second binder is getting filled with charts and timelines and other Book of Mormon printables I've been finding online. Lovin' it!

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