I've been driving for just shy of 13 years, and I have never been in a wreck. Well my streak got broken yesterday. I was travelling from our house to pick up Nate from work so that we could have a date night up in Salt Lake. Of course I had to go through that awful construction around the point of the mountain. Traffic was pretty busy and I was at a complete stop on the freeway when I got rear-ended by a semi truck. I got hit so hard that it pushed me into the back of the car in front of me. So I've got front end damage and the back is all smashed in. The driver's side seat is also broken, it's stuck in the reclined position, I don't know if I got thrown back so hard that it broke or what. As scary as it was, I'm so grateful that everyone involved is okay. I have a sore back and neck and leg, but I went to the instacare last night and had some x-rays done and there are no fractures or dislocations. The doctor told me that if I'm still sore in a week that I may need some physical therapy. Fingers crossed that I'll heal quickly. It's funny, as awful as the situation was, I find myself feeling so blessed. I'm blessed to be so lightly injured, I'm blessed that I had my seat belt on, I'm blessed that my father-in-law was already up in Salt Lake so he could pick up Nate and they could come get me. I am blessed that the older couple in the car in front of me were so nice, I mean she busted out all these homemade treats from their car and was feeding all of us and the police officer. I'm blessed that there was a police officer who just happened to be right by the accident already. I'm blessed to have so many friends and family members offering help and checking that I was okay. I was really and truly blessed. Things could have been so much worse. So I've survived my first (and hopefully only) wreck.
The front of my car.

The back of my car.

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