Monday, December 20, 2010

A Penny for Your Thoughts

Okay, I am not going to post anymore about having good days!  Every time I do, I have a bad day that follows.   I must jinx myself.  Anyway, I am feeling sick and Nate is still at work and no one is answering their phone so I figured I would vent on my blog.  I’m sick, but I’m not sick.  Let me explain.  I have to take  19 prescription pills every single day (thank you PCOS and your lame side effects).    Some of the prescriptions make me have a really dry mouth.  If my mouth gets to dry I start to gag and then  I throw up.   This is why you always see me with a water bottle.  I also have to pack a gallon size ziploc bag around in my purse.   I learned that lesson after  I threw up in the car.   I know, so attractive.   I don’t feel sick, I just throw up.  It happens on average two or three times a week.  I feel sick, throw up, and then I am totally fine and I carry on my day.  Not a big deal, I can handle it.    But the past  5 days I have been throwing up.   I have been getting sick multiple times a day and feeling so so nauseated.  This is not the usual.  I also have had some random lady pains, not cramps, pains I only had during our fertility procedures.  I am absolutely not pregnant, let’s just get that clear.  I am as infertile as they come.     I WebMd’d my symptoms (nausea and pain) and I don’t find any good diagnoses.  I just saw my doctor at the beginning of last week so I don’t really want to go back.   Thoughts anyone?  Suggestions?  Advice?   Basically I just don’t feel good and want some sympathy.   Sorry, I always get a bit sad at Christmas-time that we still don’t have any children.  Next month also marks 3 1/2 years that we have been trying.  I just had a few things happen lately that make me feel really sad about my infertility.  I just need a few days to get over it and then I will be back to normal.  Thanks for reading, sorry for the graphic descriptions :). 

P.S.  Is anyone looking at the family recipe blog?  I feel totally lame  that I have posted like 10 x more than anyone else.


Rob and Jenni Holman said...

kim we love you!!! and i wish there was something i could tell you whats wrong.. i know that zofran(sp) helps with nausea. but know that you can call me whenever you want and i would love to listen to you vent!!!

The Durfee Family said...

oh kim! I hope you get feeling better! Being sick is never fun! If you ever need anything, please let me know!

Amanda said...

Hey Kim. Hello! I will answer anytime that you call to vent. That is what sisters are for, I thought you knew that. I am totally for you going to the doctor, if you don't go how will they fix your problems? But I am a pro doctor person in case you have not noticed. And maybe you are the only one with good recipes to post. I can't post my really good ones because then the secret it out. :) Just call, I am totally up for conversation.

Elizabeth said...

Kim! I'm sorry you're feeling so sick and having to take so many pills! That's no fun, especially since it's the week of Christmas! Maybe you can call your Dr. and just talk to a nurse. I hope you feel better so soon so that you can have a good Christmas! We love you! And continue to send prayers your way! ;)