Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas- I Finally Went to the Doctor
So, after a few more days of feeling so sick I finally went to the doctor. Nate and my mom ganged up on me and made me go. However, I am glad I went. Can I just say how much I love my doctor? Dr. Brockbank is the absolute best. So Nate drags me to the doctor and Dr. B talks to me and runs a urine test, and next thing I know I am laying there with some girl trying to start an IV in my arm (worst part of the day, pretty sure I don't want you poking around the same vein for 10 minutes, no joke, she ended up starting one in my wrist). Apparently I really was sick. I had tons of sugar in my urine and my blood sugar was really high. This can be a side effect of my PCOS, I had been on metformin, although it seems it wasn't doing it's job. The high blood sugars explains my nausea/vomiting, my sweats/chills, my extreme thirst and dry mouth, and my need to urinate every 5 minutes. After the IV and some nausea medicine I was already feeling a lot better. For the next few days I have to check my blood sugars at home and give myself insulin shots each night. I need to track my blood sugars and I see the doctor again Monday morning. As far as the lady pain goes, nothing major seems to be going on, just some cyst pain from the PCOS.
So yah, that's what is going on. I'm glad I went to the doctor. He said I would have just continued to get sicker and sicker. I already feel much improved. I had just been to see him early last week for my monthly med check so I felt kinda dumb showing up a week and a half later, but it seems I needed to go. Nate and my mom are happy. I feel more at ease knowing what is going on. Hopefully I can survive the shots, although the finger pokes hurt way more than the shots. I see Dr. Brockbank again Monday, but I am sure I will have nothing but good news then. Thank you all for the kind thoughts and well wishes, I really needed it. Merry Christmas!
P.S. Since this blog is about both Nate and me, though lately I have been talking a lot about myself, let's talk about Nate. Nate is doing really well. Work is going great for him, his health is good, he is growing a beard, and he is loving this new show called American Ninja Warrior. It is this crazy extreme obstacle course competition. In fact we are watching it right now at one in the morning. Check it out!
Monday, December 20, 2010
A Penny for Your Thoughts
Okay, I am not going to post anymore about having good days! Every time I do, I have a bad day that follows. I must jinx myself. Anyway, I am feeling sick and Nate is still at work and no one is answering their phone so I figured I would vent on my blog. I’m sick, but I’m not sick. Let me explain. I have to take 19 prescription pills every single day (thank you PCOS and your lame side effects). Some of the prescriptions make me have a really dry mouth. If my mouth gets to dry I start to gag and then I throw up. This is why you always see me with a water bottle. I also have to pack a gallon size ziploc bag around in my purse. I learned that lesson after I threw up in the car. I know, so attractive. I don’t feel sick, I just throw up. It happens on average two or three times a week. I feel sick, throw up, and then I am totally fine and I carry on my day. Not a big deal, I can handle it. But the past 5 days I have been throwing up. I have been getting sick multiple times a day and feeling so so nauseated. This is not the usual. I also have had some random lady pains, not cramps, pains I only had during our fertility procedures. I am absolutely not pregnant, let’s just get that clear. I am as infertile as they come. I WebMd’d my symptoms (nausea and pain) and I don’t find any good diagnoses. I just saw my doctor at the beginning of last week so I don’t really want to go back. Thoughts anyone? Suggestions? Advice? Basically I just don’t feel good and want some sympathy. Sorry, I always get a bit sad at Christmas-time that we still don’t have any children. Next month also marks 3 1/2 years that we have been trying. I just had a few things happen lately that make me feel really sad about my infertility. I just need a few days to get over it and then I will be back to normal. Thanks for reading, sorry for the graphic descriptions :).
P.S. Is anyone looking at the family recipe blog? I feel totally lame that I have posted like 10 x more than anyone else.
Monday, December 13, 2010
It's Christmas Time
Friday, December 3, 2010
Family Recipe Blog

Just click the image to go directly to the recipe blog!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving Festivities
It is no secret that Amanda and I LOVE hanging out. I seriously think that we married our husbands in order for the two of us to meet. It it so nice that Nate and Benji get along so well and have similar interests, so while the boys do lame sports or technology things, Amanda and I go do fun things. Okay, just in case you’re not family, Amanda is my sister-in-law, we married brothers.
This year is the year that we celebrate Thanksgiving with my side of the family. We have coordinated it so that when it is the year we spend with the Smith family, all the married couples are there. So since Amanda and I were not going to be together for Thanksgiving, she came up with an awesome idea that we have a “pre-Thanksgiving” dinner. The Saturday before Thanksgiving we got together and made our own feast. We had everything from appetizers to turkey to mashed potatoes to jello to dessert. It was very nice and traditional. Although, at the end of the day we were so so exhausted. The food was good and the company was fantastic. I think it may just become a tradition!
Nate and I went to see Harry Potter later that same day. We went to the Thanksgiving Point theater, the one with reserved seating. So we get there and sit down and this old man next to us turns and says, “We took your seats so we could sit by our family.” Seriously, this old couple took our seats!! What is the point of reserved seating if it isn’t truly reserved?! What bugs me most is that they didn’t even offer our seats to us, they just stated that they stole our seats as though it was no big deal. I was bugged. It is proof that it’s not just the younger generation that has become lax on common courtesy. Anyway, other than that it was a pretty good movie. Nate loved it.
On the actual day of Thanksgiving we went to my mom’s house in Cottonwood Heights. We had a nice meal and we stayed and hung out with my family for most of the day. I didn’t even take one picture of our feast, just a few of us playing games. After we ate we played games, Nate fell asleep in the middle of Passwords. He missed some funny moments though. My mom was trying to get us to guess the word tattle. Here were her three clues: rat, tale, mommy. We thought she said tail, and I was so so confused. What does rattail mommy have to do with anything? So we were guessing mullet and ratlings and all sorts of crazy things. Oh man. Then later I was giving the clues for the word arthritis so my first clue was joint. My mom yells out “MARIJUANA!” Literally yells it. I seriously almost peed my pants. I seriously wonder if I was adopted. So we had a low key Thanksgiving and Nate and I slept in on Friday, no Black Friday shopping for us this year. My brother came and spent the night at our apartment. We took him back to Cottonwood Heights and visited my mom for a few hours. Anyway, that was our holiday. It was nice for me to have Nate home for so many days. I’m not looking forward to Monday. I am hoping to put up our Christmas decorations this coming weekend. I LOVE this time of year! Hopefully you all had a wonderful holiday too!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Three Things That Made My Day
Monday, November 15, 2010
Dating Ideas
I can’t believe I haven’t shared this before! A few months ago I found this cute website The Dating Divas. It is full of fun ideas all about how to “date” your husband. It has step by step instructions and downloads for fun themed dates. Most of their ideas are really inexpensive. So often I feel like Nate and I get stuck in the rut of dinner and a movie. Not anymore! I am determined to plan more fun dates. Just thought I would share.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Happy Birthday Nate!
My handsome husband Nathan Walter Smith turns 25 today! Happy Birthday babe! We have some fun plans to celebrate tonight and I hope today is wonderful for you. I also hope that 25 is your best year yet! I love you.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Blogging Tip - Lock Your Photos
Right Click Disabling:
This is a one time deal. You only need to edit your blog's template HTML once and it will always be right click disabled. Right Click Disable
Left Click Disabling (photos only):
Even if you disable the right click function on your pictures, people can still left click and enlarge the photo. Once the photo is enlarged in a new screen then they can right click and save/copy it from there. DO NOT disable left click all together, then you wouldn't be able to click on links, comments, or anything!!! In order to left click disable your pictures you have to remove the link for every single photo. It is a little time consuming but I think it is totally worth it! It only took me an hour to go back through all my blog posts on all my blogs and lock my pictures. Left Click Disable
P.S. Did I totally confuse you? Questions? Need help? Call me or email me (my email is on the side) and I can walk you through it.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Christmas Cards
P.S. If you are related to Nathan or myself your design is free. Merry Christmas!
P.P.S. Thanks to all my family and friends for being my models!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Good Day, Bad Night
Disclaimer: Long post up ahead.
Both Nate and I had good days yesterday. Nothing extraordinary happened, it was just a normal nice day. I made bread, did all my laundry,scrapbooked two pages, and made a good dinner. All in all I felt productive. Nate said he had a good day at work and he took out the garbage just like I asked. We went to bed early at 9:15, that is so early for us. Usually we are up until at least 11. We were laying in bed talking about how it had been a really nice day. We totally jinxed ourselves. We were finally finished talking and were trying to fall asleep when Nate says, “Kim!” I said, “What? What is it Nate?” No answer from Nate. So I am starting to get a little nervous. Then he finally answers and says, “There is a mouse. Hand me some tissues so I can get it.” Are you kidding me?! There is a mouse in my house? I am now officially in panic mode. I toss him the box of tissues and then run to the safety of bathroom and lock the door behind me. Once I am in there I realize I left my glasses in the bedroom and can’t see anything. What if the mouse follows me in there? I wouldn’t be able to see it! I am totally vulnerable, and I am pretty sure this situation is not good for my high blood pressure. While I am hiding and leaving Nate to deal with the mouse I have an epiphany. This could be why I’m infertile! I wouldn’t be able to protect my kids from vermin! Isn’t that one qualification of being a mother, to be able to protect your children? What would I have done if we had kids, leave them to defend themselves from the mouse, teach them the lesson of survival of the fittest? Looks like I have some work to do before we have kids. :)
That however, is not the end of the story. I did warn you this post was long. The mouse was not caught. Nate says it ran back outside. Here’s what we think happened. When we moved into our apartment we didn’t have central air so we installed a window unit in our bedroom. We have since gotten central air but haven’t removed the window unit. Nate figures that the mouse got in and out through this window unit. So after this ordeal I told Nate that I was still a little scared and was worried about falling asleep. Nate is a great husband and wanted me to feel better so he offered to take the window unit out right then at 10:30 at night. I told him it was late and not to worry about it until the next day. He however wanted to be the hero and went ahead and started to take it out. Next thing I know I hear glass shattering. Yes, Nate broke the window. Again, are you kidding me? A broken bedroom window at 10:40 at night? So Nate left the window unit in and we boarded up the window the best we could. I was thinking that it’s a good thing that Nate sleeps by the window so that if someone comes through the window, whether it be man or mouse, he can protect me. I was also worried about freezing to death during the night and of course last night it snowed. Not only could I not protect my kids from mice, but they wouldn’t even have a warm shelter! Worst non-mother of the year award goes to me! Well I did live through the night and our awesome landlord is going to get the window taken care of today. However I am refusing to leave the house today because I don’t want anyone to see a broken window and decide to break in. Nate says that we have renter’s insurance and I shouldn’t worry so much. I say he should have listened to me last night and we wouldn’t have a broken window. Oh well, I am just grateful nothing worse happened and that is something that can be fixed without too much difficulty.
-P.S. I just want to make one thing clear, I keep a reasonably clean house. We have never had an infestation of any kind. Our next door neighbors have had ants and our previous upstairs neighbors had weevils, but we have never had anything but the occasional spider. I promise I clean and that we aren’t hoarders. I don’t know why we had a mouse. I am choosing to believe that it just wanted the warmth of our apartment.
-P.P.S. I never saw the mouse but Nate assured me it was the smallest mouse he had ever seen. He said it was only an inch and half long. I hope that was the case. Not that it makes any less scary to me.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Birthday Boys
Yesterday we got together for a family dinner to celebrate the birthdays of Spencer, Nathan, and Brandon. Everyone is getting older! We had a good dinner, some Halloween cupcakes, and some funny conversation. Brandon showed us some shoes he wanted and as a family we unanimously voted that they were ugly. Keith showed off his sign language skills and identifying parts of the body. We watched crazy videos of Aaron dancing and discussed Julianna and her brother’s style. You had to be there. All in all it was a blast. Thanks to Ben and Katie for hosting. Happy Birthday Spencer, Nate, and Brandon!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I Am So Doing This

Friday, October 1, 2010
Individual Spaghetti Dinners
Thursday, September 23, 2010
What's Your Rap Name?
Peace Out,
K Kimmy Jewel
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Happenings

Nate and I try to make it up to visit my mom every couple of weeks. This time we went up for Sunday dinner and games. Just in case you're wondering, I did win. :)

Justin and Whitney blessed their cute baby Beckham earlier this month. Here are a few pictures I took that day. I am not totally happy with this double page, I'll probably re-do it. Just click on the picture to enlarge.

We went to Sam's farewell and luncheon. It was fun to celebrate a missionary and to see all the family.

Happy Birthday Jake! Congrats on reaching double digits!

Durfee Family Calendar


Happy Birthday Benji!

Monday, August 23, 2010
Update on Nathan
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Worst End to Date Night Thus Far
P.S. Question, am I the worst wife ever for taking pictures so I can scrapbook this?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Happy Wedding!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Banana Crumb Muffin Recipe

Disclaimer: I do not like bananas so I did not try these, but they smelled amazing!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I Might Be Crazy
So two weeks ago I lost my mind. I was looking at a cute scrapbooking site and saw this darling book this girl had made. It was a full fledged book, with an engraved cover and everything, so so cute. She had it made by Winkflash. I went to their site ( they were having a sale! Their custom books are 60% off through the end of August. So, my 100 page 12x12 leather cover engraved book would be just a little more than $40. Sold! I have everything all picked out now I just have to scrapbook 100 pages! I am officially crazy. Did I mention that Nate's brother is getting married this week too and I have been busy helping with that? It would seem that I like to keep busy. I do have to admit that I am off to a pretty good start. I have a little more than 50 pages ready to go. My goal is to be all done by the 25th so then all I will have to do is organize them in the book and place my order! I am going to do it!!! Just a few more weeks of no sleep and I'll be done. Wish me luck!
Here are a few of my favorite pages thus far. I'm trying to keep everything similar without being to matchy-matchy so each page has this dark blue paper on it somewhere to keep the theme going. Also I've tried to make the pages seem somewhat masculine, as masculine as scrapbooking can be. I worry that they look too boring but I don't want to add more if it is going to make it too girly. Tell me what you think.

P.S. Please excuse any grammar and spelling errors, as previously mentioned I've had very little sleep.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Summertime Crafts

I made homemade bread for the first time yesterday. I know, shocking! I'm 24 years old and have been married for over three years and I've never made homemade bread. Here's the story: a few weeks ago Nate's cousin Alisha made these super yummy rolls. One day at our jewelry making session I told her that I had to have that recipe. Alisha told me that it was the Pantry Secret recipe and that she would teach us all a class with the recipe and all the variations. I decided I couldn't wait for a class, so I googled the recipe and tried it yesterday. To be honest I think it turned out pretty good for a first try. Now I am even more excited to attend Alisha's class! Thanks to Alisha for the great recipe!!

Monday, August 2, 2010
Durfee Family Reunion

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Big Exciting News!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Nate's First Day

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Happy Belated Birthday Mom!

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Quick Page

The kit is from Sweet Shoppe Designs. It is called In It Together by Julie Billingsley.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
2011 Calendar - April

Belated 4th of July Weekend

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Exciting News

Nate graduated in April with his bachelor's degree and now has a new job to go with that degree! He is going to be working in South Jordan for a company called LanDesk. He will also be using his Portuguese in this job. I am so proud of Nathan. This week will be my last week of work. We feel so grateful for this blessing and are looking forward to this next phase of life!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day
Although he is not yet a father, I wanted to to remember Nate on this special day. I cannot wait for Nathan to be a father, he will be so so great. Here are a few reasons why:
1. Nate loves kids. Being one of the oldest in his family, he has been around a ton of kids. I love to watch him interact and play with our nephew Keith. He is so tender and cute and has the biggest smile when he plays with Keith. Keith likes Nate better than he likes me despite all my bribery. I guess Benji and Amanda raised Keith too well, he doesn't go for my bribes.
2. Nate has a great temperament. I've never heard him yell or scream. He is as mellow as they come. No situation riles Nate.
3. Nate is so smart. He is the only one of 70+ cousins to have a bachelor's degree. Need I say more? On top of being able to learn, Nate is really good at teaching.
4. Nate is handsome. He will have cute kids.
5. Nate is spiritual. I enjoy reading scriptures and praying with Nathan each day.
6. Nate serves. Whether he is serving me, his family, or our neighbors, Nathan is a great example of service.
7. Nate is a hard worker. He went to school full-time all while he worked full-time. Nathan is a great provider and he works hard both inside our home and outside.
8. Nate is loving.
For these reasons and many more I believe Nathan will make a wonderful father. I cannot wait for that day to come.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Happy Anniversary